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Top Tips for Promotional Printing in Different Formats

Whether you’re printing new staff uniforms, banners for a promotional event or an informational brochure about your services, high quality printed promotional products will boost your corporate identity, helping your company brand to be more memorable.

If your printed promotional products are not of a high quality however, they will have the opposite effect. Badly formatted graphics or text will look shoddy, unprofessional and unattractive to potential customers. So it is essential that you format any design correctly to get the best possible results when the information is printed.

Text File Formatting

If you are printing products that are solely text-based, you must remember that not all fonts and effects are available in every programme. If your printer’s equipment doesn’t support your chosen font, it may convert it to one that doesn’t suit your design or layout, creating a substandard product.

Artwork and Graphic Formatting

Formatting artwork for printing has 2 main issues: recreating the colours effectively, and upholding the quality of the graphics.

The key to producing high quality promotional printing is to prepare your designs carefully, choosing the perfect formats that will allow your artwork, graphics and fonts to be reproduced precisely and meticulously.

For more information about getting the most from your printed promotional products, and ensuring you make a great impression on clients, potential customers and competitors – simply contact the team at Banaman for expert advice.

Writing a Good Company Tagline

A tag line can be an incredibly useful tool for your business, helping it to stick in the minds of existing customers and grabbing the attention of potential ones. However, coming up with the perfect tagline for your company is much more difficult than it sounds, as you need to find one that is the perfect mix of originality and relevance. This article will look into some tips and advice that will help you create the ideal tagline for your brand.

Simplicity is effective

One of the key points to creating a memorable slogan or tagline is simplicity. By using a one-line slogan you can create a phrase that sticks in the mind of those who see it. It can be funny or serious – as long as it’s well worded, succinct and to the point you will have created something that people will remember.

Consider using humour

Using humour to sell your brand can be a wonderful tactic – people will remember taglines that make them laugh just as much as they will remember a powerful, serious slogan. However, humour doesn’t work for all brands – it can detract from the purpose of your business, so make sure that humour and your company or sector work well together before you opt for a joke.

Be honest

Obviously the idea of a tagline is to sell your product or business to consumers, so you need to make it sound as good as possible. However, make sure you stay true to the purpose and quality of your product – don’t make claims that you can’t back up. Claiming your company is the best at something might seem like a smart thing to do, but if you can’t actually prove such a claim then it’s not the best idea for a slogan.

Take your time

It can take many attempts before you come up with a slogan that you feel best represents your business. It can be tempting to use one just for the sake of having a tagline, but just by taking a little extra time to pick your slogan you can reap the rewards. Going over your slogan in stages from the drawing board to the design can help you fine tune the results until you have something you’re truly happy with.

Mention your Purpose

It can help to give those who read your tagline an idea of what it is that you do. It doesn’t have to be a detailed explanation – this is a tagline, after all, it needs to be brief – but if you can think of a succinct way to inform people of your purpose, then you’ll help promote your company even more.

Here at Banaman, we are specialists in the supply of premium quality promotional products. Our expert design team can add your company slogan or logo to a range of items, from t shirts to mugs, ensuring that you have a promotional product that you can be proud of. All our items are available in any quantity, whether you need 50 or 500 of your chosen product, so we are able to cater for both small and large businesses. Get in touch with us today for more information and our friendly team will be more than happy to help.


Branding Everyday Desktop Items

There are a number of reasons why branding the everyday items you see in an office is beneficial to your brand and your workplace. This article will detail the main benefits of this method of promotion, and the best ways to brand your desktop items.

When planning the design of your promotional items and the kinds of items you will use for promotion, consider how often certain items get used in a workplace, and whether they can be useful in a practical sense as well as a promotional sense. Choose items that will be used daily, and make sure that your brand logo is applied in a way that makes the product look professional, rather than just having your company logo on for the sake of it.

In terms of how it can affect your own employees and business, giving your staff promotional items with your company logo on can greatly increase the team spirit and togetherness of a workplace. Similar to a uniform, it reminds staff that they all belong to the same organization, making them feel like a valued member of the team. As the items are desktop items, employees will see or use them every day, so they will constantly have their company logo around them, reinforcing the sense of unity in the workplace.

As well as impacting the way your own staff feel in the workplace, having branded desktop items can also make a great impression on external visitors, whether they are friends of the company or potential clients and customers. If a visitor walks in to your workplace and sees every desk displaying objects branded with your company logo, this will show them the professionalism and commitment to your brand that you possess.

Promotional Items

If you are looking for promotional items to give to both existing and potential customers and clients, desktop items are an ideal choice. As mentioned before, these items will be used or seen every day, meaning that whoever you give the item(s) to will be reminded of your company and your brand whenever they use it. Items like pens, pencils, other stationery or mugs are particularly good for this, as more often than not they will be used many times a day.  One of the key factors for any promotional product is the design itself. The appearance of the products will be vital to whether or not it is used. Ensure that your company logo works well when it is scaled down to fit small promotional items, making small changes if necessary while still maintaining the essence of your brand. A professional-looking product will make a great impression on the recipient.

At Banaman, we specialize in providing the highest-quality promotional items for companies of all sizes. We provide a range of items, from key rings and stationery to t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts. Your logo will be printed onto your items by our highly skilled design team, ensuring you, your staff and your clients receive professional standard products at excellent prices.

Personalised Jute Bags Grimsby

Using Bags to Promote Your Brand

One of the challenges of running a business is finding new and innovative ways to increase your company’s reputation. There are many ways to do this, with different brands using different promotional methods to help spread the word of their services. One such method is using personalised bags to promote your brand, and this article will detail the benefits of using these bags as a promotional tool.

One of the more obvious benefits of using bags as promotional products is the value for money that they offer. Poly bags are very cheap to produce, and this can be very helpful if you need to offer your promotional items to a large number of recipients. These bags can be very popular with clients as they are extremely helpful in everyday life – they can be used on a daily basis, rather than gathering dust in a cupboard. You will find that if somebody uses your promotional bag every day, your business will soon stick in their minds, and if they or someone they know needs the service that your company offers, you may well be a recommendation.

You don’t have to compromise on aesthetics to promote your brand, either. There is a wide variety of styles to choose from when it comes to promotional bags; from drawstring, sports-style bags to traditional, two handled bags. Certain styles may be more appropriate for different companies – for example, if you are selling sports products, the drawstring sports bags represent the theme of your company and serve a purpose in line with your area of business.

Promotional Bags

One aspect of promotional bags that is perhaps not shared by other promotional items is the fact that these bags can be seen by thousands of people in the general public every day. If you have a well designed bag, adorned with your company logo which catches the eye of people in the street then they will have seen your brand, and some of those people may be ideal customers for your business.

Here at Banaman, we are very proud of our excellent promotional product service, providing our expertise and knowledge to clients across Grimbsy, Leeds, Doncaster, Sheffield, York and the surrounding areas. Our commitment to providing excellent service at very competitive prices is reflected in the quality of our products; from pens, pencils and hats to mugs and key rings, all available with no minimum order. Our expert team will ensure your company logo is printed on your products to the highest standard, making sure that you can hand out promotional products that reflect the quality of your business.

Not sure what you need? Call one of our friendly advisors on: 0800 086 2840